自从我们在几周前开始播客以来,我们希望使用我们现有的设备,例如我们的iPhone,Lavalier Mics以及最重要的免费录音应用程序......看看我们是否可以生产足够的播客会话。
We found two iPhone apps which we thought were ideal for our podcast needs … thezoom handyrec.和Dayana Voice Record Pro。两者都可以自由下载,两者都有选择在线保存和分享。让我们看看这与战斗中哪一个胜利!
Test Equipment Used
Here’s a list of items we used during this test …
- iPhone 5S / iPhone 6S
- Azden Lavalier Mic
- Generic XRL Mic (with 3.5mm converter cable)
- 3.5mm音频y分配器电缆(用于扬声器和耳机)
- and of course, the free apps … Zoom HandyRec and Dayana Voice Record Pro
zoom handyrec.
The Zoom HandyRec comes with a host of options. It’s easy to use and features a built-in audio monitor, which helps you to get the sound just right. There’s an Equalizer and Mastering option, as well as Effects such as Reverb (room, jazz club, concert hall, arena, stadium).
该应用程序可以切换到横向模式,并配有剪贴工具,这很方便。数字MIC增益非常适合从-49.0db到+ 12.0db的录音音量和范围。对于录制格式,您可以选择WAV 44.1kHz,48kHz和AAC 64Kbps,128kbps和160kbps。我们通常选择我认为的Wav 44.1khz。
There are some options which are not supported unless you’ve purchase the Zoom iQ5/67 Professional Stereo Microphone for iOS. Overall, the Zoom HandyRec is a great voice recorder, but lacks sharing options.
Dayana Voice Record Pro
这个应用程序可能看起来沉闷而且古老的形式,但它带来了大量的选择。不要被外观欺骗......这种免费的录音机提供的负载超过ZOOM HandyRec。
我特别喜欢VU米级别检查......它带回了一些记忆,哈哈哈。输入增益范围从-24.0db到+ 24.0db。您还可以获得背景混合和语音处理的选项,这使得回声消除,降噪和自动增益控制。至于共享......您获取大量选项,包括电子邮件,谷歌驱动器,Dropbox,OneDrive,Box Cloud,iCloud,SoundCloud,FTP,Facebook和YouTube!
You get the choice of recording format such as M4A (AAC), MP3 or WAV, along with various options including different, sample rate, bit rate, encoding quality and bit-depth. All-in-all, the Dayana Voice Record Pro is a pretty good voice recorder with lots of options to share your recordings.
We recommend the Dayana Voice Record Pro. It’s super easy to use and comes an audio monitor option as well as some built-in effects. Although the interface GUI looks boring, it does offers great recording quality and tons of options to share. This is what we’re currently using for our voice-overs, podcasts and more!
zoom handyrec. | Dayana Voice Record Pro |