
海龟滩屡获殊荣的PC游戏周边品牌ROCCAT今天自豪地推出了全新的通力XP PC游戏鼠标。ROCCAT有史以来的第一款产品,原版通力,于2007年推出,凭借其卓越的人体工程学成为最畅销的PC游戏鼠标。新通力XP是15年研发的结晶,旨在生产行业领先的多用途游戏鼠标。通力XP在各个方面都比它的前辈有所改进,有着精心完善的人体工程学和开创性的3D RGB照明,加上ROCCAT的猫头鹰眼19K DPI光学传感器,以及速度惊人的Titan光学开关。ROCCAT的通力XP拥有15个按钮和29个可分配功能,是目前最具可定制性和可配置性的PC游戏鼠标之一,粉丝们今天可以预订价格为79.99英镑的MSRP。通力XP于2022年3月29日发布。

ROCCAT创始人兼Turtle Beach PC外设总经理雷内·科特(RenéKorte)说:“我们将通力XP设计成一款完美大小的鼠标,具有令人惊叹的3D RGB照明、大量可定制的按钮,以及我们的最新技术,这样PC玩家就可以凭借风格和信心赢得任何PC游戏。”。“我们花了一大堆时间来关注我们的KONE鼠标的大小和形状。Kone XP是KONE艾莫重新驯服的精神继承者,它是2021德国最畅销的老鼠之一。它的人机工程学和多按钮布局使它成为任何游戏的最佳选择,但是KON-XP的舒适和定制选项使它成为了一个伟大的选择。这是一款很棒的混合鼠标,非常适合你的工作或家庭办公室、完成学业、创建内容等等。”

重新录制的通力AIMO的粉丝,以及玩各种不同类型游戏的PC玩家,都会喜欢通力XP的多按钮设计,结合了ROCCAT标志性通力外形的精致人体工程学、减轻重量和整体舒适性。ROCCAT还利用通力XP令人印象深刻的22个LED灯和透明外壳重新定义了RGB照明,并通过革命性的4D Krystal轮子,通过其烟雾般的透明设计扩散RGB照明,创造出3D照明效果。4D Krystal车轮还为标准的垂直点击和滚动功能添加了左右侧输入,所有这些都带有ROCCAT标志性的触感。

通力XP有更多比任何其他鼠标按钮in this price range. It features 15 buttons, and thanks to ROCCAT’s Easy-Shift[+] technology there are 29 possible button functions – ideal for strategy games and MMOs like the just launched Lost Ark and imminent release of Elden Ring. The left and right click buttons activate the Kone XP’s Titan Optical Switches providing a responsive click, with ridiculously fast actuation for unprecedented speed and precision. ROCCAT’s Titan Optical Switch is faster than any mechanical switch and has twice the durability, clocking-in at a blistering 0.2 ms actuation speed for up to 70 million clicks while offering adjustable debounce timing which is key for drag-clicking. With the Kone XP PC gamers can expect nothing but crisp, responsive execution with zero mis-clicks.

At the heart of the Kone XP PC gamers will find ROCCAT’s Owl-Eye 19K DPI optical sensor (based on PAW3370 from PixArt). The Owl-Eye sensor tracks any mouse movement with high-precision for extreme in-game accuracy and is customizable via ROCCAT’s Swarm software suite.
The Kone XP’s translucent shell sets the stage to showcase ROCCAT’s AIMO lighting engine and ecosystem, synchronizing with other AIMO-enabled ROCCAT products such as the Magma membrane keyboard or the award-winning Vulcans. AIMO produces vibrant lighting displays in 16.8 million colours right out of the box, without the need for extensive configuration.

The Kone XP also features ROCCAT’s PhantomFlex cable and heat-treated PTFE glides for a wireless mouse feeling. Flexible, pliable, and light, the cable won’t snag or tangle, and the mouse glides smoothly across desktops.

For more information, visit theproduct page.

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