团队小组宣布T-Force Cardea Zero Z330和Z340 NVME SSD系列

TeamGroup宣布了两个新的PCIE M.2固态驱动器,T-Force Cardea Zero-Z330和Zero-Z340 M.2 SSD。英特尔和AMD兼容并支持最新的PCIE GEN3 X4接口。它使用专利的石墨烯铜箔冷却模块并使用专业技术制造,以实现厚度不到1毫米的薄且轻巧的结构。对于想要征服游戏界的游戏玩家来说,专门为游戏笔记本电脑和高性能台式机而设计的黑色和黄金是一种首选武器。

T-Force CardeA Zero-Z330和CardeA Zero-Z340 M.2 SSDS,两个石墨烯高速固态驱动器使用NVME 1.3标准的最新PCIE GEN3 X4高速界面,并具有专利的石墨烯铜箔冷却模块。极其薄且轻巧的结构可以消除安装过程中的设备干扰。这两个M.2 SSD的连续读取速度最高2100 Mb/s,最多可读取1700 MB/s。和3400/3000 MB/ s,为游戏玩家的不同使用需求提供不同的解决方案。

After T-FORCE internal laboratory’s long and rigorous test and burn-in test, the patented graphene structure of T-FORCE CARDEA ZERO-Z330 and CARDEA ZERO-Z340 M.2 SSDs has proven that it can provide a 9% of cooling effect after over three hours of continuous reading/writing. Both M.2 SSDs have comprehensive intelligent management technologies such as S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology), TRIM command, LDPC ECC error correction mechanism, etc. The stable and durable high performance allows gamers to fully enjoy the speed ride.

有关更多信息,请访问产品页面T-Force Cardea Zero Z330T-Force Cardea Zero Z340

