
我猜EA无法交付货物……是时候进行更改的时间。如何从Frostbite 3发动机切换到虚幻发动机?

Rumors are going around that Lucasfilm isn’t too happy with how the Star Wars franchise is turning out ever since they handed the license over to Electronic Arts in 2013. Up to now, EA has produced a total of two titles under the Star Wars: Battlefront sub-series. Their first Star Wars: Battlefront game was released in 2015 as a reboot of the previous games. Star Wars: Battlefront (2015) was highly criticized for its lack of a single player campaign. EA’s solution to keep die-hard Star Wars fans happy was to release a multitude of free expansions and paid DLC packs to add more content to the game. And then came Star Wars: Battlefront II in 2017, a sequel that received even harsher backlash because of the over aggressive战利品系统这是在游戏中实现的。EA的回应是暂时消除了游戏中的微交易。但是更糟糕的是,EA闭幕了内脏游戏,该工作室去年正在研究《星球大战:项目ragtag》。





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