
今天,我们将审查来自Cooler Master的Devastator 3键盘和鼠标组合。我期待着审查这一点,因为我听到了其他关于其他人关于较冷的大师必须提供的不同键盘和老鼠的好东西。

Devastator 3 Combo设计用于在所有情况下使用。鼠标是符合人体工程学的令人互相令人互相令人满意的,具有超级平面,便于使用大型鼠标轮,便于使用。键盘还具有超低菌株的超级轮廓,而在加热的波动期间防止下面的防脱橡胶垫防止滑动。

我想要感谢Cooler Master提供此评论样本!让我们看看他们在他们的网站上说的是什么:

我们所有的东西,使建立一个个人计算机such a rewarding experience. The sense of achievement. The joy of making and creating something uniquely yours in form and function. The freedom that comes from complete control. And of course, the thrill of bringing your creation to life without melting your components.

We’re sustained by a belief that something as endlessly useful and diverse as a PC can never really die, and a vision that we can re-invent the way they are designed, made, bought and used. It’s a vision that stems from the core of our company, from our heritage as innovators of the initial strides forward in thermal technology, to our commitment to pioneer a modular future. We’re also committed to keeping our design, testing and manufacturing in-house, to give us the edge in ideas, craft and quality.




买东西Cooler Master Devastator 3来自亚马逊的键盘和鼠标仅限39.99美元 -http://amzn.to/2xiddfg.

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