Cougar Aqua Argb 240 AIO CPU冷却器评论

今天,我们将介绍新发布的Cougar Aqua Argb 240 AIO CPU冷却器。因此,对我个人而言,我确切地知道我在购买新冷却器时想要什么。我有很多来来去去的,这给了我一个很好的主意。对于许多阅读本文的人来说,情况可能并非如此。因此,希望在这篇评论中,我可以给您一些帮助,也许可以回答您对此特定凉爽的任何问题。

现在,我不认为我的钻机是极端的超频。我偶尔会超频我的CPU,但通常只是为了好玩。因此,我真的不需要任何能够极端冷却的东西。我只想要可以使我的CPU保持足够凉爽的东西,以便在全部提升时钟上100%可靠。不允许热门节流!老实说,我更喜欢水而不是空气。仅仅是因为表现。现在,散热器设计对我的决定不多,但是泵可以做到。泵是主力,我真的更喜欢一个嘈杂的泵,而且很少产生振动。现在,这个人可能会有所不同,RGB。 For me, the more the better. I like to see the pump and fans equipped with RGB. The light just add so much style and a certain personal touch to any system that it is almost required option for me. So lets recap, The CPU cooler has to have decent cooling capabilities but doesn’t necessarily have to be the best. Has to be a Water setup. The pump must be quite and efficient and lastly has to have a ton of RGB. For now we move on through the next few pages and see all the details and specs. And don’t forget to check the last page where we will see what kind of impression this cooler left.

Cougar Aqua ArgB是一个多合一的RGB液体冷却系列。对于需要出色的ARGB视觉效果的游戏玩家来说,这是一个完美的解决方案。



真正的游戏玩家的真正装备。这个简单的短语综合了我们的灵魂。From our origins in 2008 as a gaming-oriented PC Power Supply, Case and Cooling producer, COUGAR’s mission has always been to deliver gaming peripherals and PC components that answer the requirement of those people who think gaming is much more than a way of killing time. To us, and to those who think like us, modern gaming is both an art and a competitive sport, an important part of human life that allows you to develop and display skills ordinary life just isn’t prepared for. Games are the door to worlds in which both the most advanced capabilities of the human brain and the most primal instincts and reactions meet to bring you new experiences, and to access them you need to be properly equipped.



现在,让我们看看Cougar Aqua Argb 240必须提供什么!你可以买Cougar Aqua Argb 240 AIO CPU冷却器大约在亚马逊的UISD $ 99 -


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