三星将于8月2日推出Galaxy Note 7

Galaxy Note 7

三星昨天寄出媒体邀请在下一个未包装的活动中,它将揭开Galaxy Note 7的揭幕。

三星’s current Note flagship, the Galaxy Note 5, arrived on August 21, 2015. Rumors leading up to this point suggested Samsung would skip the Galaxy Note 6 naming convention and jump right to the Note 7 in an effort to better align it with its other Galaxy flagship, the Galaxy S7.


Galaxy Note 7将于8月2日在纽约市的三星Galaxy Unwected活动中打破掩护。该活动定于上午11:00开始。EDT并将在线直播。三星将于当地时间中午和下午4:00在里约热内卢举行同时在里约热内卢举行活动。当地时间。

