PCI-SIG宣布PCI Express 7.0规范,最多达到128 GT/s数据速率

PCI-SIG今天宣布,PCI Express(PCIE)7.0规范将将数据速率翻一番,达到128 GT/s,并针对2025年的会员释放。

“For 30 years the guiding principle of PCI-SIG has been, ‘If we build it, they will come,’” observed Nathan Brookwood, Research Fellow at Insight 64. “Early parallel versions of PCI technology accommodated speeds of hundreds of megabytes/second, well matched to the graphics, storage and networking demands of the 1990s. In 2003, PCI-SIG evolved to a serial design that supported speeds of gigabytes/second to accommodate faster solid-state disks and 100MbE Ethernet. Almost like clockwork, PCI-SIG has doubled PCIe specification bandwidth every three years to meet the challenges of emerging applications and markets. Today’s announcement of PCI-SIG’s plan to double the channel’s speed to 512 GB/s (bi-directionally) puts it on track to double PCIe specification performance for another 3-year cycle.”

PCI-SIG总裁兼董事长Al Yanes表示:“借助即将到来的PCIE 7.0规格,PCI-SIG继续我们的30年承诺提供行业领先的规格,以突破创新的界限。”“随着PCIE技术的不断发展以满足高带宽需求,我们的工作组的重点将放在渠道参数以及覆盖范围和提高功率效率上。”

PCIE 7.0规范旨在支持新兴应用,例如800 G以太网,AI/ML,云和量子计算;以及超大数据中心,高性能计算(HPC)和军事/航空航天等数据密集型市场。

PCI-SIG技术工作组将开发PCIE 7.0规范,具有以下功能目标:

  • 通过X16配置在108 GT/s的原始比特速率上交付512 GB/S双向
  • 利用PAM4(脉冲幅度调制为4级)信号传导
  • 专注于通道参数并达到
  • 继续提供低延迟和高可靠性目标
  • 提高功率效率
  • 与所有前几代PCIE技术保持向后兼容



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