希捷宣布16TB Exos和Ironwolf Hard Drives

Seagate Technology Plc是数据存储解决方案的全球领导者,今天宣布它一直在积极发运16TB氦气的企业驱动器作为EXOS X16系列的一部分,提供高性能和录制高音数据中心的能力,以有效和成本有效地管理不断增加的数据量。该公司还更新了Ironwolf和Ironwolf Pro网络附加存储(NAS)驱动线路,具有新的16TB容量模型。

需要超奇,云和NAS存储解决方案的需求继续上升到前所未有的水平。In fact, a recent IDC whitepaper sponsored by Seagate predicts that the Global Datasphere – the amount of data created, captured or replicated across the globe – will grow from 33 zettabytes (ZB) in 2018 to 175 ZB by 2025. Seagate’s Exos X16 hard drive delivers the highest storage density available with the field-proven reliability and continuous high performance to support a broad range of workload requirements and high-availability use cases.


Exos X16 HDD is the world’s highest capacity 3.5-inch 7200 RPM drive designed to solve challenges by enabling hyperscale, datacenter, OEM and distribution channel businesses to maximize storage capacities, provide customer flexibility, and reduce complexity with uses in multiple workloads with increased I/O and enhanced caching capabilities. Seagate’s new Exos X16 16TB drive delivers 33 percent more petabytes per rack compared to 12TB drives while maintaining the same small footprint for a reduced overall total cost of ownership. Exos X16 offers built-in data protection, including Seagate Secure Instant Secure Erase for safe, affordable, fast, and easy drive retirement.

“EXOS X16是降低企业系统开发人员和云数据中心的总体拥有成本的关键,同时支持多种工作量的多种应用,”希捷技术产品线营销副总裁Sai Varanasi说。“EXOS X16是行业领先的基于氦的16TB容量驱动器。我们正在与我们的云/企业客户合作,将该产品带到市场上,以满足数据中心的陷入困境的需求。“

Seagate继续为Ironwolf和Ironwolf Pro 16TB驱动器的额外公告建立新的基准,并为多用户NAS环境建造,支持高达300TB /年的工作负载。Ironwolf是家居和小型办公室的理想驱动器,可提供性能,低噪音和低功耗,使其有效地用于备份,远程访问和文件共享。Ironwolf Pro驱动器对NAS具有强大的NAS,可在Creative Pro和中小型商业环境中运行,这些环境需求重度工作负载以支持其数据需求。

腾讯云副总统郑亚丰表示,“在腾讯云端,我们致力于通过推动工业互联网部门并为”数字助理“提供各种行业来创建”数字生态系统“。对于数据生命周期,从代代捕获,存储和应用程序,我们与希捷无缝工作,以了解如何应对数据卷中的指数上升,具有新的创新架构,从边到云。希捷的16TB EXOS X16硬盘已经融入我们的云解决方案中,显着提高了其存储密度和性能,同时降低了成本。该解决方案不仅满足了数据中心的不断增长的存储需求,还有助于我们有效地解决新兴情景,应用和挑战。“

彭振副总裁董事会主席说:“智能计算时代即将到来,在促进我们努力创建融合,开放和敏捷的AI行业生态系统,以便我们可以为客户提供集成解决方案。智慧和希捷正在多个领域共同努力,包括云计算,大数据和人工智能,所有人都可以推动企业数字转型。For Seagate’s 16TB helium-based Exos X16 enterprise drive, we have completed a series of joint tests, which indicate it delivers high performance with support for varying workloads, allowing us to increase system capacity and reduce deployment complexity, whilst considerably lowering total cost of ownership. In the future, we will continue to partner with Seagate to drive industries to transform further, and empower customers to embrace the upcoming era of artificial intelligence.”

EXOS X16 16TB HDD拥有629美元的MSRP,将于6月4日上市。



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