三星开发行业的第一个基于HKMG的512GB DDR5内存

Samsung Electronics是全球先进内存技术领域的领导者,今天宣布,它与基于高k金属门(HKMG)工艺技术的行业的第一个512GB DDR5模块扩展了其DDR5 DRAM内存产品组合。新DDR5将能够在超级计算,人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML),以及数据分析应用。

“三星是唯一的semiconductor company with logic and memory capabilities and the expertise to incorporate HKMG cutting-edge logic technology into memory product development,” said Young-Soo Sohn, Vice President of the DRAM Memory Planning/Enabling Group at Samsung Electronics. “By bringing this type of process innovation to DRAM manufacturing, we are able to offer our customers high-performance, yet energy-efficient memory solutions to power the computers needed for medical research, financial markets, autonomous driving, smart cities and beyond.”

“随着要移动的数据量,存储和处理呈指数增加,到DDR5的转型位于云数据中心,网络和边缘部署的关键拐点,”内存和IO技术副总裁Carolyn Duran说:Carolyn Duran表示英特尔。“英特尔的工程团队与Samsung这样的内存领导者密切合作,提供快速,节能的DDR5内存,这些内存是性能优化和兼容我们即将推出的英特尔Xeon可扩展处理器,代码为蓝宝石Rapids。”

Samsung’s DDR5 will utilize highly advanced HKMG technology that has been traditionally used in logic semiconductors. With continued scaling down of DRAM structures, the insulation layer has thinned, leading to a higher leakage current. By replacing the insulator with HKMG material, Samsung’s DDR5 will be able to reduce the leakage and reach new heights in performance. This new memory will also use approximately 13% less power, making it especially suitable for datacenters where energy efficiency is becoming increasingly critical.


利用硅通孔(TSV)技术,三星的DDR5堆叠八层16GB DRAM芯片,提供512GB的最大容量。TSV在2014年首次在DRAM中使用,当时三星推出了高达256GB的容量的服务器模块。

三星目前正在对客户进行不同的不同变体,以便验证,最终通过其前沿产品认证,以加速AI / ML,ExaSAsale计算,分析,网络和其他数据密集型工作负载。


关于Richard Aizlewood. 2125文乌克兰捷克预测章
Richard Aka Papashango来自英格兰。他对电脑很感兴趣约12年多。他是一个敏锐的游戏玩家,他也对东西的硬件方面感兴趣。自2004年前的日子以来,理查德一直是这位时代套件队的成员,在8年nba季后赛欧宝直播的课程中贡献了超过8,800多小时的时间到时髦的套件!......