Intel Unleashes 56-core Xeon “Cascade Lake” Processor to Counter AMD’s 64-core EPYC

And you thought Intel was going to idly stand by and let AMD take all the lime-light?

Intel late Tuesday made a boat-load of enterprise-relevant product announcements, including the all important update to its Xeon Scalable enterprise processor product-stack, with the addition of the new 56-core Xeon Scalable “Cascade Lake” processor. This chip is believed to be Intel’s first response to the upcoming AMD 7 nm EPYC “Rome” processor with 64 cores and a monolithic memory interface. The 56-core “Cascade Lake” is a multi-chip module (MCM) of two 28-core dies, each with a 6-channel DDR4 memory interface, totaling 12-channel for the package. Each of the two 28-core dies are built on the existing 14 nm++ silicon fabrication process, and the IPC of each of the 56 cores are largely unchanged since “Skylake.” Intel however, has added several HPC and AI-relevant instruction-sets.

首先,英特尔推出了DL Boost,这可能是一个固定功能硬件矩阵乘法器,可加速AI深度学习神经网络的建设和培训。接下来,对几次投机执行CPU安全漏洞的硬件缓解,自2018年初以来困扰了计算世界,包括“幽灵”和“崩溃”的某些变体。与固件修补程序形式的软件修复相比,硬件修复会显示出较小的性能影响。英特尔为Optane持久的内存增加了支持,这是公司的宏伟愿景,因为诸如DRAM之类的挥发性初级内存是什么。目前比DRAM慢,但比SSD更快,Optane持久存储器是非易失性的,并且其内容可以求生存下来。这允许Sysadmins occumplow整个服务器以使用工作负载缩小,而无需担心在唤醒那些服务器时恢复正常运行时间即可恢复正常运行时间。添加的CPU指令集中包括AVX-512和AES-NI。




About Winston 6781 Articles
Winston has over 20 years of experience in the I.T. Industry. He launched Funky Kit with the aim to capture a wider audience worldwide. His knowledge in PC hardware is very distinguished, not only publishing enjoyable reviews but also writing great articles.