新型Pico Neo VR耳机具有6dof头和控制器跟踪

Pico Neo:世界上第一批批量生产VR独立式,6DOF头部跟踪和6dof控制器跟踪

Pico Neo是Pico的最新一代独立的VR耳机。它具有Qualcomm Snapdragon 835移动VR平台,采用一体化ID设计,采用更轻,更透气的布料,并配备3K高清显示屏,高速4GB RAM,64GB UFS2.0 ROM,支撑256GB扩展存储。

由于Snapdragon 835移动VR平台和新的超声波遥控器解决方案的优异性能,Pico Neo可实现6dof头部和控制器跟踪和定位功能。如果没有任何外部传感器,Pico Neo可以跟踪头部和手部(控制器)运动。它是世界上第一个VR独立设备,实现了大规模生产规模的6DOF头部和控制器跟踪。

Pico CEO, Mr. Hongwei Zhou, outlined how the Pico Neo uses Qualcomm Technologies’ Inside-Out 6DoF technology, optimizing the spatial positioning ability from the lower level of Snapdragon 835 Mobile VR Platform. Even using the positioning function for a long time will not affect Pico Neo’s gaming performance. The Pico Neo matches users’ actions perfectly, bringing the super immersive VR interactive experience to life.

The process of using the Pico Neo and controllers is very easy. Once the user powers on the headset, puts it on, and enters Pico UI launcher, the 6DoF function will start to scan the surrounding area and the controllers will be connected. The calibration will be completed after adjusting the position and posture to the correct direction. The user can easily move or dodge attacks in the virtual world, and operate complex game reactions such as bimanual operation. The Pico Neo rarely gets choppy or loses frames as it has been optimized for refresh rate and anti-interference.


Another important part of the conference was the demonstration of Pico’s B2B VR Enterprise Solutions Program. Although the company has been focusing on the Consumer market, it never stopped exploring applications within B2B industries. Pico established the Enterprise Program at the end of 2015 and after more than 2 years of R&D experience and exploration, the company has developed several industry application solutions based on Pico’s full line of hardware products. These include:

  • E-PUI(产品用户界面)VR教育广播控制系统
  • VR剧院广播控制系统
  • Spatial orientation and motion capture
  • 深度感知系统
  • 升级的家庭VR娱乐系统方案。
  • Combined with industry VR content, Pico can provide industry clients with customized hardware, content, software, and overall system solutions. At the conference, four sets of industry application demos were displayed for experience, involving education, VR Theaters, commercial displays and automobile.

In 2017, Pico’s B2B projects have reached over 200 businesses covering aerospace, education, commercial display, health care, real estate, insurance, automobile and other industries. The company has also cooperated with Toyota, Volkswagen, China life, Mengniu and other industry leaders.

Pico Zense的首次亮相 - 深度愿景的新探索

除了新的VR产品外,Pico还推出了一套新的Pico Zense TOF深度传感器解决方案 - DCAM100和DCAM710 - 作为其核心硬件产品。这两款摄像机模块基于TOF技术,功能较小的形状因素,经济功耗,清晰的成像,VGA标准化精度,可用于0.2米至8米的范围宽度。

Pico Zense的硬件模块,DCAM100和DCAM710,可用于美国和欧盟的预订,适用于合格的商业客户和开发人员,现价$ 299.00。预订www.pico-interactive.com/zense.

The Pico Neo is available for pre-order in the US and EU for qualified business customers and developers for $749.00. Pre-order atwww.pico-neo.com.


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