DJI可能会着重于Mavic Air 2飞行多么容易,但是公平地说,这些规格绝对不是事后的想法。在您身上跳出的第一个数字可能是飞行时间,DJI声称这是一个脖子上的34分钟,这使Mavic Air 2成为公司阵容中最长的飞行无人机。需要明确的是,34分钟听起来可能并不多,但是在无人机世界中,这是永恒的。DJI表示,它能够通过新的电子速度控制器(ESC),新电池和总体设计来实现这一目标。因素,Mavic Air 2的重量也比原始的(570G对470G)重一点,而且很明显,该公司一直在忙于研发。

所有的时间都很有趣,但是如果相机不划痕,一切都没有。值得庆幸的是,这里也有一些可靠的升级。The Mavic Air 2 now has a 1/2” Quad Bayer sensor (up from the original’s 1/2.3”) which still shoots 12-megapixel images, though there is a 48-megapixel mode too (it’s not clear if this is four images stitched together yet). As for video, you’ll be able to shoot in 4K at 60 fps (and 120 mbps) which bests even the Mavic 2, which tops out at 30 fps in 4K. Fans of HDR photos in the original Mavic Air will be pleased to know that you can now shoot video in high dynamic range also, along with a new 8K Hyperlapse mode.