
What is a Digital Wallet?


In this article, I will share with you my experience on how to setup a digital wallet, and get the best use out of it. And best of all … it’s all done via your mobile phone.

There are several types of digital wallet. The most common are used via your smartphones with NFC technology. This allows for contactless payments such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay, WeChat Pay, Ali Pay and many others.



Jaxx Liberty - Crypto钱包

Jaxx Liberty(以前的Jaxx)是由Anthony Di Iorio,Ethereum of Ethereum和Decentral和Jaxx的创始人兼首席执行官创建的多平台钱包。市场上有负载数码钱包,但我选择了Jaxx Liberty.for its security and robustness. Remember, this is just a standard digital wallet mainly used for storing your crypto currency – OFFLINE!


  • 可用应用程序(iOS和Android)
  • Web Accessible
  • 不需要身份证验证
  • 将您的密码货币脱机
    Safer offline than on the exchange


  • 不能买/销售你的密码货币

CEX.io – Crypto Currency Exchange

数字钱包很棒的是将您的加密货币脱机存储,但是您无法使用Jaxx Liberty购买和销售您的密码货币。为此,您需要注册加密 - 货币兑换,例如二进制(JPN),CEX.io(英国),斗鸡(美国)和其他人。





  • 可用应用程序(iOS和Android)
  • Web Accessible
  • Open an account even if you are outside of US or UK
  • 使用您的信用卡/预付卡购买/销售密码货币


  • 没有其他形式的存款或撤销 - 只有信用卡/预付卡

Neat – Fintech Virtual/Online Bank

Neat is a virtual/online bank that provides an alternative banking solution over your traditional bank account. It’s suitable for both individuals and SMEs and does not require any credit checks.

I was able to open an account within minutes and receive my pre-paid Mastercard within days. There is no charge for customers opening an account or spending using the Neat card. Also, the Neat account does not have a minimum balance requirement, and you can top-up your card at any time.

This is the card I used for loading funds to my CEX.io account for buying/selling crypto-currencies. And it works fine. There are some credit/banks cards that does not allow you to buy crypto-currencies … so do check your bank first.



  • 可用应用程序(iOS和Android)
  • Web Accessible
  • No credit checks
  • 预付万事达卡可用于购买加密货币
  • Easy top-up via bank transfer
  • Supports payWave


  • 缺乏对苹果支付/谷歌支付(目前的支持on their wishlist)

Final words.

Digital wallets are being used more and more these days. In fact one in five people in Asia are now using some form of digital wallet, and the numbers are growing around the globe including the UK, US and Europe.


With my current setup … I’m now able to venture into the world of crypto-currency via my mobile phone and trade/buy/sell cypto-currencies while on the move … anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

使用简洁万事达卡进行购买(全球),使用Jaxx Liberty在离线上安全地存储您的密码货币,并立即使用CEX.IO进行贸易/购买/出售加密货币。

Disclaimer: Every investment is a risk! Always remember to only invest what you can and are willing to lose. I’m not a professional in crypto currency, nor am I giving you any proven professional advice. Invest at your own risk.

注意我的下一篇文章(即将推出) -如何使用您的手机进行股票。我会向您展示如何在不经过传统银行的情况下贸易/购买/销售股票和外汇。所有这些都可以使用您的数字钱包在线完成!

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