
买任何一种新技术通常是一个exhilarating prospect – so much so, the popularity of so-called ‘unboxing’ videos has skyrocketed on platforms like YouTube in recent years.

However, when you’re buying a production tool like a laptop that will ultimately be used to help you perform tasks for study or work, there are a few things to bear in mind. Rather than getting carried away with the thrill of the purchase, below are a few buying tips to help ensure you end up with the laptop that best suits you.

Think about how you use tech and what you need your laptop to do

Everyone’s different and the demands you place on a laptop will likely differ considerably from other people. The starting point for buying any new tech should always be to consider exactly what you want the machine to do – plus how (and where) you intend to use the laptop. This approach will give you a base point from which to work out the other requirements listed below.

For example, if you only use a laptop for emailing and casual web browsing, you’re unlikely to need a particularly expensive or powerful machine, so you should check online forcheap laptops for sale探索您的选择。在频谱的另一端,如果您在视频或照片编辑中工作,您将受益于更快的处理器和显卡(加存储空间)。

The basic criteria to consider for a new laptop


操作系统(OS):这几天,大多数人已经有明确的偏好操作系统(OS)他们喜欢使用。然后,再次变得有些模糊的iPhone的令人难以置信的普及,这鼓励许多用户移动到Apple OS - 特别是来自微软。您在此处的选择将在很大程度上归结为熟悉 - 加上您可能已经拥有的任何依赖的软件。

Screen size and machine weight:可移植性是笔记本电脑对桌面的关键优势,所以尺寸和重量很重要。在主要的主要用户中,大多数用户将在12.5到14英寸之间的屏幕上进行精细(也将使机器打火机)。


制定哪种型号最适合您:很多新的笔记本电脑都带有集成touchscreen technology这允许他们在传统的蛤壳或平板电脑模式下工作。但是,您应该决定您是否真的需要这种功能,因为触摸屏的增加的生产成本通常意味着其他领域的牺牲。

检查键盘和屏幕: If you envisage doing a lot of work on your laptop, you should take the model for a test drive to check its ergonomics. Touchpads should be accurate straight out of the box while you’ll also want good key travel and tactile feedback from the keyboard.


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