Ubisoft CEO Claims Nintendo NX Console Is ‘Really Great’ For Casual Gamers

外祖母tendois going to发起全新游戏机codenamed NX in March of next year, that much we know. Beyond that, it’s a big guessing game as to what exactly Nintendo is cooking up and whether it will be worth the wait, though Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot seems encouraged by what he’s seen of the new hardware.


“What we have seen is really great,” Guillemot said during a quarterly earnings call on Tuesday. “We think having a new machine coming is going to help the industry to grow, and to take lots more casual players back to the industry.”

There’s a lot of speculation about the NX, especially since Nintendo keeps promising something unique. Early on, some surmised it was going to be anAndroid控制台,但后来的一位发言人击中谣言。如果您希望高兴系统与微软的项目蝎子和索尼的Playstation 4 Neo竞争,那么您将失望。任天堂希望赢得硬件战争,而不是原始规格无论如何。

“For us, it’s not about specs, it’s not about teraflops, it’s not about the horsepower of a particular system,”Fils-Aime toldBloomberg在上个月的采访中。“对我们来说,这是关于内容。任天堂是一个集中的公司,我们创造了让人微笑的内容。所以对于我们来说,我们专注于将来为Wii U和NX带来最好的娱乐。“

When Nintendo announced that it planned to release the NX in March of next year, the company said it would be based on a “brand new concept,” but offered up little else. If you’re thinking that means VR, you can wipe that off the list as well. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto didn’t seem all that stoked about all the VR hype when he spoke at the company’s annual shareholder meeting earlier this month.

“We’ve been looking at the technology, but we should also see how it fits into our products that are designed to use for the long term and how parents would feel about their children mounting VR devices,”宫廷宫说

Getting back to Ubisoft, it’s the only major developer to have announced a game for the NX, that being Just Dance 2017. As March of next year comes closer into view, we suspect more game announcements will be made.


byPaul Lilly


About Chris 706 Articles
克里斯has been a long time enthusiasts of anything computer related. He is a 2010 Graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. His expertise ranges from simple coding to systems analysis. He has always enjoyed exploring the vast world of computer hardware and now gets to share that passion with all funky followers!