汤姆·克兰西(Tom Clancy)的分区 - PC,Xbox One,PS4


对于一个简单的游戏玩家,我发现在PS4控制器上按下太多按钮。如果您在此游戏中处于任何体面的游戏玩法,则在任何给定的时间使用4-5个不同的按钮:X躲在后面,然后用L2瞄准并与R2射击,同时使用左侧,right analogue stick to adjust movement and aim, R3 to zoom in, and the square button the reload, triangle to switch weapons, and then theres the R1 for using a skill you’ve set, and the left and right directional keys of the D-pad for other skills, and phew, the L1 and R1 button together for another skill. So in the midst of a tense battle I usually mash my buttons all in the wrong order so I end up throwing a grenade at myself, or I have to momentarily have to pause to look down on my controller to remember what I need to press, which normally means I die as in the brief moment I’ve been shot many times.


在这一点上,我必须强调,现在的游戏远非抛光。I’ve experienced game crashes, server lags (its an online game so even if you solo all the missions you still need to be connected to the game’s servers), my character getting stuck, and fast travel to wrong locations……and this is a game in which在Beta测试期间发现了10000多个错误

汤姆·克兰西(Tom Clancy)的division™_20160403230915


