AOC AGK700游戏键盘and AGM700 Gaming Mouse Review


总之,AOC AGK700游戏键盘具有备份装载内部的风格感。与大多数顶级键盘一样,您将找到n键翻转,防重影和USB Passthough。让这个键盘脱颖而出的一件事是音量旋钮。与大多数具有滚子样式音量交换机的键盘不同,此键盘功能和实际旋钮。我喜欢这种风格。它就像一个立体声旋钮,而不是滚筒,你将手指滑过。键盘的顶部是一种铝合金,不仅提供了很好的外观,而且增加了键盘的刚性。除了你可以看到的东西,这个键盘在内部更令人印象深刻。投票率是1000Hz,1ms,樱桃MX蓝色开关的令人印象深刻,每个密钥都可以随软件。手腕休息也非常溢价。 The leather covering is very supple and has a lot of cushion. If you are looking for a keyboard that offers top tier hardware and a software suite that is put together very well then this maybe a keyboard you want to take a closer look at. You will be pleased with the performance and the layout of the multimedia keys. I almost forgot to mention the RGB. The RGB is fantastic and fully customizable with the software. This is a keyboard that could easily compete in the e-sports arena.

您可以从Amazon购买AOC AGK700游戏键盘,达到约179.99美元 -

AGM700游戏鼠标功能PWM3389感官r. This sensor is the best sensor pixart makes. This particular sensor is capable of 16000 dpi. I typically find myself not crossing the 4000 dpi mark. I also don’t consider my self a competitive gamer and find higher dpi settings hard to control. SO if you are one of those lucky ones that can enjoy a mouse at that DPI then you will be pleased. I also like the braded cable. I find they tend to get stuck less and have less drag than a rubber cable. Braided cables tend to be a little more rigid and can take a while to stretch out. The switches are Omron and feel great. The RGB on the logo and mouse wheel is the only RGB but without overdoing it the RGB is quite nice. Another thing that make this a choice mouse is the weight system. You can easily add or remove the weights to suit your needs. This mouse offers extreme dpi, ultra fast polling, and excellent tracking. This could also be a decent choice for a competitive gamer. And the price on this mouse is below what I expected for so many high quality specifications.

You can buy the AOC AGM700 Gaming Mouse and for around USD $39.99 from亚马逊-


  • 柔软的皮革手腕休息
  • RGB.
  • 铝面板
  • Software Worked Great


  • 最好的PWM3389传感器
  • 高追踪和轮询率
  • RGB.
  • 编织电缆
  • Software Worked Great
  • Price


  • None for either

Final thoughts

The AOC AGK700 Gaming Keyboard and the AGM700 Mouse, both offer enough performance and could easily compete with the best of them. For AOC, it’s the first time that they’ve released high-end gaming accessories into this ever-so competitive market … and I have to say, AOC has nailed what we are looking for in our gaming hardware. I look forward to seeing future AOC gaming hardware!



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