冷却器MasterAir MA624 Stealth CPU冷却器评论


该冷却器连续使用镍底板,6座热管和黑色涂层。涂层更冷却器的辩论将永远持续下去。因为如果涂层不正确地施加涂层或是无法很好地进行热量的涂层,则确实会阻碍性能。值得庆幸的是,Masterair Ma624隐身并非如此。很多人也宁愿看到铜热管也直接接触CPU。我做了一些研究并得出结论,与拥有后者相比,镀镍基础确实具有负面影响。但这是如此最小的数量,几乎可以忽略不计。因此,在技术上,拥有铜碱基的性能更好,并且性能可能非常略有优势。这说明了整体表现的程度。它仍然是铜,但只是使用电镀技术镀镀,实际上消除了任何性能弊端。 The best thing about having the nickel is the prevention of oxidation and discoloring that can happen with exposed copper. So if you have any concerns about nickel plating, don’t because its such a small amount its negligible. Plus the silver looks a lot better than copper would on an all black cooler.

那么,MA624隐身是如何做到的?我喜欢的东西:我喜欢热带量。长度足以保持CPU凉爽。热管越多,冷却越好!!他们还从粉丝那里抓住了所有的空气。空气接触越多,冷却越好。关于冷却器设计,我注意到的一件事是侧面。如果仔细观察,则按下侧面,不会让空气逸出侧面。这是一个很棒的功能,很容易被忽略。从侧面逸出的空气越少,意味着越多地通过鳍和散热管道一直使其越多。 I also really like the SickleFlow fans. These fans are quite and move a decent amount of air at 1800RPM (120mm) and 1300RPM (140mm) respectively. I also found the mounting hardware easy to use. The only thing to note if you find yourself getting this cooler, is when you put on the backplate and the mounting screws, it may seem loose but all that goes away when you secure the cooler to the brackets. Lastly, For a large cooler this has plenty of compatibility. You have the option to use a 120mm instead of a 140mm fan if space is an issue. I would have liked to see an extra set of brackets to be able to use all three fans at once. But unfortunately you can only utilize 2 fans at once with out modding a new bracket for the third fan.

您将能够在上购买冷却器MasterAir Ma624 Stealth CPU冷却器3月16日零售价为$ 99.99 USD


  • 伟大的黑色涂层
  • 镰刀风扇(总计3,X2-140mm和X1-20mm)
  • 易于添加第二个风扇。包括硬件要这样做。
  • 很棒的冷却
  • 6个热管
  • 大型冷却器的清除和兼容性很好


  • 没有任何


凉爽的MasterAir MA624隐身是一种大型冷却器,能够保持CPU凉爽,同时提供所有隐形视觉效果。冷却器具有多种风扇配置,可以在许多不同的设置中使用此冷却器!

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