
March 29, 2017 0.

这是本周周期的中周硬件2017年3月29日。显卡:Aorus GeForce GTX 1080 Xtreme Edition 8G点评@ Tweaktown主板和CPU:Gigabyte Aorus Ax370游戏5点评@ Guru3D Asus......

用于游戏的硬盘 - 4选项可供选择

March 29, 2017 0.

You pride yourself in being a hardcore gamer, keeping up with the latest technological trends and try all sorts of different ways to make sure that you are able to enjoy whatever edge there is......



March 28, 2017 0.

华硕介绍了VG245Q,一个24英寸游戏级监视器,目标为250美元的价格点。此显示器具有1个MS响应时间(GTG),并支持AMD FreeSync技术。在引擎盖下是TN膜面板......


March 28, 2017 0.

GIGABYTE introduced the stunning-looking Z270-Designare motherboard. Featuring a white colored PCB with RGB LED elements and artistic diffusers, this socket LGA1151 board is packed with some premium features. Built in the ATX form-factor, the board......

GO Card


March 28, 2017 0.

Team Group,世界领先的记忆品牌,今天宣布发布Go Card,一张尤其是动作摄像机所做的存储卡。团队集团不断致力于满足客户在各方面的需求。......

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